Nancy Kleer is one of the founding partners of OKT. In her practice of Aboriginal rights, she represents Aboriginal clients responding to a variety of resource developments, including mineral exploration, mining, and hydroelectric development, in negotiations and litigation. She also advises on federal and provincial environmental protection and assessment law. She provides legal advice and does legal drafting on issues addressed in negotiations for comprehensive land claims, Aboriginal self-government, specific claims, and impacts and benefits agreements between developers and First Nations, including advice about the duty to consult and accommodate. She advises on trust establishment and administration matters for First Nations. She provides legal advice to establish or add to Indian reserves under the Additions to Reserve Policy, and provides advice on Band Council governance issues, reserve land management and corporate structuring advice for First Nations. Nancy has been listed in The Best Lawyers in Canada since 2006. She is a member of the Ontario and Newfoundland & Labrador Bars.